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March 14

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Business Customers

The Familypark is much more than Austria´s largest amusement park!


Familypark provides a beautiful and natural environment with uniqe atmosphere and a variety of entertainment for all ages.

Familypark is not only appeals to families as a destination, but also offers interesting opportunities for companies. For business customers there is an exceptional setting as a location for company outings and/or corporate events of all kind. For enterpreneurs and employers we also offering employee incentives and special conditions for day-tickets or annual passes.

We gladly assist for tour operators and bus companies with customized offers. Furthermore we are offering Familypark for cooperations and promotion activities.

We are looking forward to your inquiry!


Corporate events and excursions


Travel agencies and bus-operators

Brand and Product Promotions


Corporate events and excursions

Companies, entrepreneurs, clubs, associations and all kind of institutions are with their employees, with their families as well with customers and business partners for events and excursions in good hands with us!


Business Event

You are planning a special event? Then this requires a special location! Familypark offers not only an exeptional ambience, but also a lot of special experiences. From smaller events to the exclusive rental of the park everything is possible!

We are also happy to help you in search for your further special destination and accommodation in our region.


Company outing, excursions

To make a company excursion at Familyparks means:

  • provide valuable recognition for the work of the employees,
  • promotes team spirit and make the daily work more various,
  • creates special moments and memories in a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere.


We have special conditions for company outings with more than 100 people! Such special company-agreements are also for Halloween-Event and also for Christmas-Magic possible.






Gifts for your employees and/or customers!

Is there a special occasion or anniversary in your company? Would you like to say simply THANK YOU to your employees? Still do not have Christmas presents for your customers or employees? Would you like to support your association as every year?

Familypark tickets or annual passes are an attractive gift and bring joy to everyone!

Familypark-Eintrittskarten oder -Jahreskarten sind ein attraktives Geschenk und bereiten allen Freude! By us you can get tickets or even annual passes at a special price. From 20 pieces we can make you a great offer.





Travel agencies & bus operators


Familypark is embedded in tourism region Neusiedler See and thus within a short distance to many other destinations in Burgenland. In addition to numerous activities on the Lake, there are a comprehensive network of bike paths available for families and sports enhusiasts.

History and culture lovers will get they money´s worth nearby at the city Eisenstadt. The culinary arts are also not neglected in Burgenland – this is ensured by numerous vine makers, vine taverns and regional producers.

The Familypark is therefore not only an ideal day-trip destination, but can also be well integrated into a special-, weekend- or multy-day trip. We offer for tour- and bus operators attractive cooperation prices.




Brand und Product Promotions


In Familypark you can easily reach the target groups families and children. With more than 700.000 visitors per season, you can present your company or your new market innovation exclusively in a special environment.

As a part of a group company we are interested in cooperations that correspond to our philosphy and our guidelines. We are offering the possibility to make your business-, product presentation or sampling in the park during regular season from April to September. Due to our daily opening times, actions like „World Milk Day“, „World Photo Day“ etc. can be optimally used.

Price is depending on duration, effort and kind of the activities. We are delighted to advise you if you are choosing Familypark!


Beispiel: Danone Fruchtzwerge Promotion

Danone Fruchtzwerge Promotion


Send your inquiries to:


Edit Plöckinger, M.A.


Office: 02685/60707 1212

Mobile: +43 (0) 676/ 898 690 932




Please read our sales conditions


TipThe Familypark app

Available for Android and iOS - free of charge, of course!