Map Tour Gallery
Március 14

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Ingyenes alkalmazásunkkal a Familypark mindig kéznél van, és számos hasznos funkciót élvezhetsz.

További információ


A gyakran felmerülő különböző kérdésekre a válaszokat itt találod.


Have fun with goats!

16. June 2017

The new Ziegengaudi climbing area promises great fun. Since 216, the goats have been able to walk on a climbing track that is up to 8 meters high. Now there is an additional adventure route for visitors. On more than 1 meters, you will cross a rope bridge and winding paths through the Ziegenareal, up to a great viewing platform. Of course you can also pet and feed the goats during your walk on the new Ziegengaudi.

TipThe Familypark app

Available for Android and iOS - free of charge, of course!