Map Tour Gallery
September 08

Otváracie hodiny10:00 - 18:00

Posledný vstup: 17:00

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Familypark receives Star Award

02. October

The European Star Award was launched by the trade magazine "Kirmes & Park Revue" in 212, in order to annually award innovative ideas and promote entrepreneurial courage.

For the sixth time already, Europe's most important prize has been awarded to the best leisure parks on the continent. The best theme parks, the most breathtaking novelties and the most spectacular attractions and roller coasters were awarded at the Euro Attractions Show, which took place this year from 26 to 28 September in Berlin.

The international expert jury voted in the "Best Attractions" category for Leonardo's flying machine, so Familypark is happy to reach the second place.

On the photo: Dominik Müller, CEO Mario Müller and Julian Müller


Out of order: Verrückte Vogelscheuche

The ride Crazy Scarecrow (Verrückte Vogelscheuche) is currently out of order.
We strive to process the matter quickly and thank you for your understanding!

TipThe Familypark app

Available for Android and iOS - free of charge, of course!