Map Tour Gallery
Marec 14

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Stiahni si aplikáciu Familypark!

S našou bezplatnou aplikáciou máš Familypark vždy vo vrecku a využívaš množstvo užitočných funkcií.

Ďalšie informácie

Odpovede na vaše otázky

Všetky informácie o koronavíruse Bezpečnostné opatrenia a odpovede na najčastejšie otázky nájdete


We start into the new season!

12. May 2021

Tickets and reservations will soon be available in our new online shop. We will let you know as soon as you can secure your tickets.

Proof of a negative corona test, a corona vaccination or a corona recovery is required for the visit. This is checked at the Corona Checkpoint in front of the cash registers. All other security measures as well as the daily ticket contingent have not yet been announced for our park. As soon as we have all the information about the security measures (such as any mask requirements, etc.), we will of course inform you.

We look forward to you!

TipThe Familypark app

Available for Android and iOS - free of charge, of course!